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Nazir 5:7-6:1

Nazir 5:7

[A koy is an animal we can not positively identify. In halacha, it is a doubt whether it is to be categorized as a wild animal or a domesticated animal.] Let’s say there were nine people. If one of them saw a koy and they said, “I am a nazir if this is a wild animal,” “if this is not a wild animal,” “if this is a domesticated animal,” “if this is not a domesticated animal,” “if this is both a wild animal and domesticated animal,” “if this is a neither a wild animal nor a domesticated animal,” “if one of you is a nazir,” “if none of you is a nazir” and “if all of you are nazirs” – in such a case, all of them are nazirs.

Nazir 6:1

Three things are prohibited to a nazir: being rendered ritually unclean, shaving, and all products of the grape vine. All grape products combine to form the minimum volume for which one would incur punishment. That minimum volume is the size of an olive; an earlier teaching said that one is not liable until he drinks a reviis of wine (about 3.3 ounces). Rabbi Akiva said that even if a nazir soaked his bread in wine and the bread is large enough to displace an olive-sized volume of wine, he is liable.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz